How a Pink Dress Turned into my Symbol of Prosperity
I will tell you a very personal and genuine story. It’s about an episode of my journey towards a higher standard of living or what we call nowadays “lifestyle”.
A few years ago, I used to download images of beautiful dresses and outfits that I came across in websites or the internet.
Before the Facebook and Instagram pages, where you can find anything today, I would manually download pretty pictures of fashion sets and store them in a folder on my laptop. Sometimes I would open the folder and find inspiration about clothes or even get something tailored for me. This was something very girly and gave me pleasure.
One evening I was showing the folder to my Mum –
What to Do if You Are in a Relationship with a Narcissist
It’s common for people with heightened sensitivity to enter a relationship with a narcissist. It’s easily done, given that we’re very accommodating to other people’s differences and characteristics and have hard time setting boundaries.
Narcissistic people have huge ego
and are looking for people to maintain their self-absorbed image of greatness and superiority. Some of the features of narcissists are wild reaction to criticism, lack of empathy, demonstrating arrogant, haughty and overproud behavior, using others to achieve their personal goals, constantly seeking attention and support and more. For the outside world, they may seem like the outgoing extrovert, the heart of the company, someone funny and knowledgeable.
Highly sensitive people are attracted to this open, interesting persona.
Why I was Аway for a While to Create а Refreshed Blog with a Stronger Purpose
Hello and welcome everyone to the redesigned version of the blog If you regularly read the articles and follow my posts on Facebook and Instagram, you have probably noticed that I haven’t posted new content on the website for a while. I am aware that currently my audience is not too large but it’s loyal and really attached to what I create and share.
That’s why I decided to write this article, to tell you personally and sincerely what has happened during the quiet time and what new stuff I have to offer.
“I Wish I’d Picked More Daisies” or How to Become Friends with Time
I know you’re busy and tired. And maybe even stressed and anxious. You often wonder where the day, week, month, year went… You always get the so called “necessary” things done, take care of everyone else and then, if there is any time or energy left, take care of yourself. I understand perfectly as we’re all in this together – it’s the disease of our modern culture, where balance and enjoyment are almost missing from our vocabulary, while words like stress and busyness are common catch phrases.
The most important resource you will ever have is TIME – it is not renewable and none of us knows exactly how long we have left but we know it’s not indefinite.
Here is a note from 87-year old Nadine Stair from Louisville, whose words of wisdom and insight in her golden years could serve as a reminder and motivation for all of us, no matter how old we are and where we currently stand on the stage of life:
How to Build an Image that will Get you the Position you Desire
“Dress as if you mean business. Coco Chanel once said that if a woman is poorly dressed you notice the clothes, if she’s well dressed you notice the woman.” Vikki Worthington
We talk a lot about image these days but what does it really mean and how can you use it to your advantage at work, interviews, progressing in your career, your vocation or business, when networking or joining a new social circle?
Your image is the impression of yourself that you project to others, it’s how they see and acknowledge you.
Don’t be the Unwanted Roses in Somebody’s Garden
I’ve been thinking recently what the next story to share with you to be about – one that comes from the heart and inspire you to live a better life. And the ideas came in a surprising way. One evening after work I was doing some gardening and enjoying this activity, which many people consider a kind of meditation. While my full attention was engaged with the process, my mind was drifting freely and all of a sudden I focused on a stem of a rose bush. It didn’t have flowers but oh, it sting! It was located between the fence and the concrete, and just couldn’t grow and blossom there. I thought to myself: under other circumstances, it would be great to have a rose bush in the garden – but not here and not now.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media
We live in a time when social media no longer only connect us and are a source of information and entertainment but we are witnessing how Facebook, Instagram and the rest of the ever growing number of networks are actually defining our reality, self-worth and notion of success and happiness. More and more people started voicing their opinion that interaction with social media makes them feel depressed and not good enough. That’s mainly because we compare our lives, most of the time unconsciously, to the lives of friends or celebrities.
How to stop the vicious circle of comparing ourselves to others – based on their photos, statuses and emoji?
How to be a 100% Woman in Today’s World
Hello ladies, this article is for all of you – for all the girls who are starting to acknowledge and develop their femininity, for the young female professionals who work hard to prove themselves and make a living, for all the mums who have taken the busy job of being full time mommies or juggling between work and kids, and to all the wonderful ladies who have retired and enjoy the calm and well deserved relaxing years of their lives. Despite our differences, we actually go through similar struggles and problems, and look for ways to improve our lives and feel good about who we are – as people and women.
How to Build a Lasting Relationship with Your Partner
When I was in my teenage years, the whole concept of romantic relationships was quite distant and unfamiliar to me. As a sensitive child, I used to overthink and withdraw into my safe haven of books and visions of the perfect romantic story. One day my elder sister, who first showed interest in the self-development area and opened the gates to this new world to me, brought home a book called
“Love Tactics: How to Win the One You Want” by Thomas W. McKnight and Robert H. Phillips.
Why I Didn’t Achieve All My Goals for Last Year and I’m OK with It
The new year has already begun and it’s a really exciting and light feeling to start fresh. It can also be uncomfortable, overwhelming and stressful as it’s also the time when we get bombarded by messages from media about the importance of goals. Don’t get me wrong – I’m a true supporter of the whole goal-setting process – writing down your aims, seeing the list daily and reviewing your progress often.
But what do you do if you haven’t accomplished the things you wanted?
Does this make you feel bad and disappointed with yourself? Here is my story about not meeting all my last year’s goals and why I decided to be comfortable with it.