Why I was Аway for a While to Create а Refreshed Blog with a Stronger Purpose

Hello and welcome everyone to the redesigned version of the blog www.mariatoneva.com. If you regularly read the articles and follow my posts on Facebook and Instagram, you have probably noticed that I haven’t posted new content on the website for a while. I am aware that currently my audience is not too large but it’s loyal and really attached to what I create and share.
That’s why I decided to write this article, to tell you personally and sincerely what has happened during the quiet time and what new stuff I have to offer.
Last year the blog turned 4 years – invaluable time of lots of learning and incredible growth. I have learnt how to maintain a personal site and social media to promote it, how to write in a way that easily reaches and touches the readers, how to express and stand up for my right for creativity, and to talk about and to sensitive people, who feel so misunderstood and rejected in the society nowadays.
However, this article is not about me but about the path I walked to reach the space from which I can offer you more and new ways of helping.
So, some time ago I took the decision that I want to completely change the design and the content of the website. I read so many articles, pieces of advice, tested recipes, I wrote, I contemplated, I compared. I was so overwhelmed and overloaded by other people’s opinions and ideas for quick success, tons of followers and you name it, that I was very close to making a big mistake.

The mistake to change the blog’s purpose and direction to something totally different, unlike me, far from my loyal readers.
To fall victim to commercialism, as many others, to fight for my piece of glory with the price of … my identity.
How did I manage to get out of this spellbound condition of impersonal following of others in these areas and what’s trendy?
Well, the answer is – my impeccable intuition. As highly sensitive people, we all have strong intuition, I’m sure you possess it as well, you could just trust it more often and it will sharpen even more.
Everything was more or less arranged, we had agreed with the people from the team to start working and I was required to prepare and send the materials for the new website. But then – wow, how strong the physical reaction could be that something is not right for us –
I felt a total block and found it impossible to think, write, concentrate, to create anything.
Someone would say – this is creative slump, lack of motivation or time, even laziness… Maybe I used the same reasons when trying to explain to myself the inability to create anything, while before I used to create with so much love and ease.

I decided not to fight with my intuition and that huge inner resistance –
experience has taught me that intuition is always right and it’s only a waste of time and energy to confront it. I continued living my life peacefully, while I made conscious efforts not to torment or blame myself for not writing.
A year and a half later, the redesigned blog is reality and I’m so proud to present it to you.
However, it’s got nothing to do with the ideas for an absolutely different concept. The blog is a natural continuation of my passion to help sensitive people with my articles, and I’m also including introverts, romantic and creative people. Apart from the articles, which I will regularly post about relationships, personal development and lifestyle,
I’m happy to present my eBook “Sweet, Sexy, Sensitive” and the worksheet “How to Set Boundaries”.
Both of them are completely free and you can download them from the page “Free Resources”. They’ve been created with devotion and deep understanding of the essence of the sensitive person and offer practical solutions for managing challenging situations. Thank you for continuing to read and support the blog!
Testimonials and opinions of regular readers of www.mariatoneva.com could be found here.