The Importance of Finding your Tribe

A few weeks back I attended a 2-day Coaching Training in Oxford. I was keeping an eye on the dates for months and finally decided to go to London so I could attend as I knew it would be of a great value for me. All of a sudden a date for Oxford came up and I put it in my diary.
My idea for going there was to get a better understanding of what coaching really was and to obtain some basic coaching knowledge and skills, which I could develop and use in my personal development and career.
Little did I know what struck me the most was the enormous motivational energy of a group of like-minded people.
In most self-development books, usually there is a separate chapter for the importance of finding your community and the power of the collective consciousness. I wasn’t sure back then what its meaning exactly was and why they claimed it to be so vital. It all originates from the Bible quote “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Or in other words, when people are gathered around a mutual idea to do good, God’s grace and all the Universal laws start working to make it happen.
Community is a group of people gathered together by shared values, interests or hobbies –
it can be a dancing class, a charity organization, an educational course, a networking group, you name it. The bond between them is a passionate desire to achieve a certain goal, while in the process they support and motivate each other and even become friends.
So there we were at the Coaching Course, a bunch of 80 people who had come from Oxford and the vicinities, looking for new opportunities in life and eager to take on a new challenge.
These lovely people came from all walks of life, from different background and professions but with two features in common –
a desire to live a happy and fulfilling life and willingness to take action and put the effort to make it happen. Listening to their stories and struggles as well to their aspirations and dreams, I became more comfortable with my own and got a feeling of total assurance that it’s all possible.
Have you ever shared a dream or a goal with a friend only to end up feeling shattered, like somebody poured an ice bucket over your enthusiasm?
We’ve all been there and we know we can’t blame our friends as they want the best for us and judge as per their own understanding and limitations.
However, you have to be cautious and guard your sacred desires and goals from unnecessary negativity and criticism.
This is where the positive like-minded community steps in, so you can share freely your dreams and goals, knowing you’ll receive the support and encouragement you need to overcome your doubts and procrastination.
How do you find a community on the same wavelength as you?
Firstly, by identifying what your goals and ambitions are, then doing a research where you can find such a supportive tribe and finally joining it and start building relationships with the people there. In case there is none in your town, you can always join an online group. Though friendship is never the initial stimulus, in time you’ll find that gradually those people have become friends of yours.
Do you have anything to lose? No, you can only win. The only thing you need to do is to stretch out of your comfort zone and find your tribe.
Have you ever been part of a supportive community and what was it? Do you feel the need of one and what actions are you going to take to join?