The Creative Routines of the Geniuses
Today we talk a lot about time management and what strategies we can implement to be more productive and efficient. Recently this has become a very hot topic as we lead busy lives and with the development of technologies, it has become more difficult to concentrate as it was 10 years ago.
However, being able to clarify your priorities and build an effective routine is not a New Age invention at all.
We can take invaluable advice and bulb moments from some of the most influential and renowned people of all time.
Have a glimpse at their creative routines and see if there are any ideas you might take on and carry out in your life:
The Top Goal Setting Tool to Help You Achieve Your Goals
Happy New Year 2017! I wish you most of all to be in good health, showers of love to be poured upon you and, with God’s grace, to accomplish all your dreams. We’re at the start of a wonderful new adventure with 12 brand new chapters and 365 new experiences ( I saw this from a post and thought I would share it 🙂 ). I like the feeling of a fresh start and a clean plate, almost like a blank canvas, where you can start painting the picture you desire the most.
I’ve recently c0me across a very efficient tool to make your goals reality and it’s more simple than you think. But before I share it with you,
I have a quick question to ask and would like to get an honest answer: Do you write down your goals for the year?
5 Lessons Learnt from My First Year in Blogging
My blog was officially up and running on 22nd December 2015. It’s the online implementation of the dream I used to have for years – to write articles that help people achieve their dreams and goals by sharing bits of personal stories and friendly advice in the areas of self-esteem, inspiration, career and development, relationships and travel.
One year later, I can honestly say that this journey has started changing my life.
And not because I became extremely popular or successful, but because I began making conscious effort to walk my talk – to face life challenges and handle them from a point of higher understanding and wisdom, as I advise my readers.
If you’re about to start a business, a new career path or you’re just considering a change, here are a few tips I learnt from this first year in the online industry:
Thoughts before a Major Birthday
Here I am at the threshold of my 30th Birthday, scrutinizing my life and evaluating all the bits and pieces, aiming to find an answer to the question: “Am I happy and what can I do to be really happy?”
The “Big Birthdays” are a milestone in our life
or at least media and society have made us think so. They’ve implied a certain vision of what we need to have or be doing in order to be acceptable and successful in the public eye. However, they’re missing one very important part: what we want to be and feel like.
How to overcome resistance when making a change
Change is a wonderful thing but let’s face it – the process of making a change from the initial idea to the end result is usually quite uncomfortable and uneasy. Why is that?
Every change is preceded by resistance and it is the reason for the uncomfortable feeling.
It’s that nagging voice that tells you we’re alright where you are, it won’t be worth it, it takes too much effort/ time/ devotion, nobody can guarantee a positive result in the end, what if you fail?
Writing as a Way of Healing
It was a November afternoon when me and two of my friends from work went for a lunch to a Lebanese restaurant in Oxford. After the sumptuous meals, which reminded me of our Bulgarian dishes, we headed back to the city centre.
On our way back, we noticed a small bookshop for donated books called “The Last Bookshop”.
Both me and my friends felt the urge to dive in between the bookshelves and pick a good and affordable book. I got two books and if we were about to stay any longer, I would have left with a few more. One of them was called “Writing as a Way of Healing”. I didn’t spend much time contemplating if I should buy it or not, I felt so attracted by the title as it resonated with something within me.
A few months passed while I was too busy working, giving start to my dream website,
My Writing Story
I want to share with you why I decided to start this blog as it means a lot to me. I’ve always had this writing desire in myself and through the years it urged me to do various things so to reveal it.
I’ve been an avid and voracious reader since I was a child.
Nobody ever taught me or motivated me to like reading, I just did, I guess I have it in my genes. I still remember the day when they brought our class from school to the public library in my hometown. I was astonished, I felt this was a really special place for me, like a gate opened in front of my eyes. This day is so vivid and colourful in my mind today as if it was yesterday.
I guess this is how we remember days which have affected us profoundly.
New Approach to New Year’s Resolution List
Don’t get startled! That’s not another boring To Do List or a lecture how you should get all your life sorted in one year and live happily ever after 🙂
I want to share my experience with making a list with my goals and why
I did my first one only several years ago.
In my perspective, there is an intangible balance between two forces in our world:
New Year’s Thank You Practice
Here we are in the end of another year, another milestone. But before setting the goals for the new year, a very useful and nourishing practice is to make a revision of all the blessings you’ve received in the current year and be grateful for them.
So now is the time to make your Gratitude List for the past year.
Express gratitude for all the experiences and lessons you’ve learnt this year.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools – to be happy with what you already have and to keep attracting more good things.
Simple tips to discover if you’re a sensitive person
In my personal experience, deep down I’ve always known I’m a sensitive person. However,
The truth is that all human beings possess a certain level of sensitivity.
In some of us it’s more present than in others, also some express it more openly than others.
Here’s a quick check list to identify what’s the level of your sensitivity: